Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Process
1. Visibility2. Bringing Targeted Traffic
3. Engagement
4. Conversions
5. Measurement
6. Retention
Search Engine works search engine Indexing
Search engine is the Process of adding key words, domain name, important Link to a search engine database by the action of automated script know as crawler, spiders, Robots ets.
When You Are Search Database
You are not search internet you are only searching data base this is the reason why the diff search results in the diff search engine.
Tips - way back machine - to cheek google scroll your website
SERP - Search Engine Result Page
In Organic Advertising 1st Page Google
PPC - Pay Per Click
CPC- Cost Per Click
PPM- Pay Per Mile
CPM- Cost Per Mile
Google Analytics - Track Your Click IP Address
Organic Means Through Seo My website come to google first page.
In Organic means Paid Advertising to come 1st Page google
Three Type of Visibility
1. Owned - own website
Social Media
Mobile App
2. Paid - PPC
DBA - Display Banner Ads
Social Media ads
Email Marketing
3. Earned - SEO
WOM - Word of Mouth
FB Likes
Viral Marketing
Re Tweets On Twitter
Bringing Targeted Traffic
A business simply income is visibility on those Platform(website) which my target my visit
- This is done of the technique of PPC Marketing.
- The Concept of In band Marketing war develop by vs based company
HOBSTOP is the begets market of Digital Marketing
1. Engagement is making your visitor do some activities on your website.
2. Engagement is making visitors navigate through your website.
3. It is to make people spend time on your website ( stick rate).
4. Engagement is to bring visitors back to your website.
1. Negation bar
2. Good Content
3. Live chat
4 video flash image
5. Registration form
6. lots of CTA
Benefits of Engagement
- Bounce Rate Under Control
- To help to increasing stick rate
- It help bild trust for the visitors on your website
Lead on the Internet are generated why two type of Activity
1. Micro Conversions - are small steps which may or may not lead to a bigger step. ( Visitors to read videos)
2. Macro Conversions - are great step in nature which may or may not lead to sale. ( visitors to fill the form that macro)
1. Tracking, measuring analyzing the performance of your online marketing activities.
2. Understanding behaviour of traffic.
a. No of visitor visit in your website
b. time spend your website
c. time spend on a particular webpage
d. bounce rate
e. IP Address of visitors
f. Geographic Location
g. From which keywords on your website
h. after visiting your website which website is visit
3. Measurement over the internet is done through the tool Google Analytics
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